Sisyphus Victorious (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Blender 2.83, Cycles render; based on my earlier WC 891 entry)
Homecomings (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Blender 2.83, Cycles render; "coming home to a perfect storm" was the challenge theme)
The Picture Hat (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Blender 2.82a, Cycles render; "crazy hats" was the challenge theme; project inspired by over-the-top Edwardian-era hats /
picture hats)
Dinosaur Decor (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Blender 2.82a, Cycles render; "dinosaur" was the challenge theme)
Error 400 - Bad Request (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Blender 2.82a, Cycles render; "bad" was the challenge theme; abstract image inspired by a standard Web server error number)
Gnomon: The Shadow of Time (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Blender 2.82a, Cycles render; "in the shadows" was the challenge theme)
Coarsely or Smoothly (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Blender 2.82a, Cycles render; "alternatives" was the challenge theme)
The Philosopher's Stone (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Blender 2.82a, Cycles render; "alchemy" was the challenge theme; image inspired by the mythical alchemical substance said to be able to turn things into gold)
Hanoi Tower Robot Champion (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Blender 2.82a, Cycles render; "tower" was the challenge theme; image inspired by the famous "Tower of Hanoi" puzzle)
8-Bit Serenity (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Blender 2.82a, Eevee render; "serenity" was the challenge theme; image pays homage to early computer graphics which were very blocky and basic with limited colors)
Ventifacts (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Blender 2.82a, Cycles render + compositor nodes; "aircraft" was the challenge theme, which was interpreted literary here as in "air craft" - "air-crafted rocks" known as "ventifacts")
Polar Bear Ice Spirit (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Blender 2.82a, Eevee render + compositor nodes; "magic wild" was the challenge theme)
Crop Circle Designer (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Blender 2.82a, Eevee render + compositor nodes; "crop circles" was the challenge theme)
Colonialism Madness (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Blender 2.82's Workbench render + compositor nodes; "colony" was the challenge theme)
Dreamwaker (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Blender 2.82's Workbench render + compositor nodes; "lucid dreaming" was the challenge theme)
Flutter (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "asymmetry" was the challenge theme)
Aeolus (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "personification" was the challenge theme)
Pegasu-spectroscope (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "fantasy tech device" was the challenge theme)
Cydonian Pyramid (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "triangular" was the challenge theme)
Icarus Gets Too Close to the Sun (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "falling" was the challenge theme; inspired by the mythological character of Icarus)
Sandstone (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "sand" was the challenge theme)
Collector of All Things Cosmic (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "Galaxies, stars, planets, and spacecraft" was the challenge theme; speed model / concept character; Type V+ entity on the Kardashev Scale)
Artifacts (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "still life" was the challenge theme)
The Cliff-Clenchers of Callisto (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "cliff-hanger" was the challenge theme; image inspired by Jupiter's moon and the general prospect of new and different lifeforms on other worlds)
Odysseus and Penelope: Together at Last (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "reunion" was the challenge theme; as with WC812, this project was inspired by Homer's Odyssey; here I depict Odysseus and Penelope reunited after a long journey)
Reynard, the Fox (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "nefarious" was the challenge theme; image inspired by the same-named medieval trickster / literary character)
Odysseus Returns (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "my hometown" was the challenge theme; image inspired by Homer's epic poem Odyssey and the central character, Odysseus, who returns to his home in Ithaca)
Flat-head Dread (weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "tools" was the challenge theme; image inspired by the concept of a flat-head screwdriver being concerned about being the right tool)

(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "kiss" was the challenge theme; a mouthless robot reflects on an imperfect reproduction of the world-famous
1908 painting "The Kiss" by Gustav Klimpt)

Bioluminescent Dreamer: To Dream of Light Where None Exists
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "neon dream" was the challenge theme)

Saturnian Sky-Sailfish
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "setting sail" was the challenge theme; otherworldly creature inspired by Earth's own sailfish)

(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "simplicity" was the challenge theme)

Gliese 581 Compote
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "dessert" was the challenge theme)

Antiqued Manga
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "anime / manga" was the challenge theme)

Stand-Up Comic
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "comics" was the challenge theme)

The Treachery of Renders: This Is Not Rene Magritte
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "appearances are deceptive" was the challenge theme; image inspired primarily by René Magritte's "The Treachery of Images" / "This Is Not a Pipe" painting; visual allusions are also made to other themes of Magritte)

Practice Makes the Game-Winners
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "sports" was the challenge theme)

Contortionist Convolutions
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "circus" was the challenge theme)

Circumference of the Diametric
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "contrast" was the challenge theme; I wanted to contrast a variety of qualities in this piece: round vs. angular, simple vs. complex, vividness vs. desaturated, centricity vs. decentralized, openness vs. enclosure, macro vs. micro, softness vs. hardness, wholeness vs. fractional, and more.)

(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "chaos" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "bionic" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "aviation" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "3D typography" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "dangerous situation" was the challenge theme)

Los Angulos
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "isometric" was the challenge theme)

Crossing Party Lines
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "party" was the challenge theme; image inspired by those who can go beyond party-line politics in potentially unpopular yet morally justified support of an idea or cause that transcends typical political / partisan agendas and tendencies)

The Vanishing of Varnish
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "fade to grey" was the challenge theme)

Mandelbrot: From Roughness to Recursive Rhythms
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "serendipity" was the challenge theme; entry inspired by the work of Benoit Mandelbrot - his initial research on roughness and the British coastline leading up to fractional dimensions and his discovery, exploration, and popularization of fractal geometry - most notably the famous Mandebrot Set - and other concepts such as self-simalarity and patterns of fractal recursion throughout nature)

Leporid Trickster (The Hare or the Rabbit)
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "folklore" was the challenge theme; entry inspired by hares or rabbits appearing throughout folktales worldwide often as tricksters; Leporid used here to denote the family hares and rabbits belong to)

Golden Age of Landline Calls
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "old school" was the challenge theme; entry inspired by antique telephones, when phones were simply phones)

Socrates: Lessons for the Nescient, or Semester's End at Raphael's School of Athens
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "poisonous" was the challenge theme; entry inspired by Plato's dialogues of Socrates, particularly the Apology, with visual allusions to Raphael's The School of Athens. For the likeness of Socrates I compared my stylized attempt against two sculptures from antiquity, 1st and 4th centuries respectively.)

Any Way They Slice It (A Parable)
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "cut-away" was the challenge theme; visual approach inspired by cinematic cut-away/cross-cutting film techniques)

Diving, Resurfacing
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "silhouette" was the challenge theme)

A World of Her Own Making
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "world cup" was the challenge theme; "cup" here was interpreted along literal lines: cupped hands holding a world)

The Scrubbed Lunch
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "under the guardrail" was the challenge theme; title is a pun, playing on the phrase "scrubbed launch" (cancelled launch)

PHI.DRV (Divine Proportion Warp Drive)
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "warp drive" was the challenge theme; image inspired by the concept of the Golden Ratio)

Galileo, Recycler of Light
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "Renaissance" was the challenge theme; Galileo was a veritable "Renaissance Man" (astronomer, mathematician, physicist, student of nature), who, right after the historic Renaissance, was responsible for helping to bring about the rebirth of science into a more modern context and general understanding of the universe. He "recycled the light" in a variety of ways, including the telescope, Copernican theory, and, more generally, the generational search for scientific truth.)

The Overlook
(weekend challenge entry; "undiscovered" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles; image inspired by Mars rovers and the hypothetical possibility of discovering signs of another/ancient civilization on a planet other than Earth)

Escaping Hades: Orpheus and Eurydice, Before the Look
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "pareidolia" was the challenge theme; image inspired by the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice and the infamous look back; potential pareidolia aspects include background and foreground elements)

Mundus Parvus Est - Or, The Astronomy Lesson
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "small world" was the challenge theme; image inspired by Medieval art and subsequent historic challenges to the Ptolemaic (geocentric / Earth-centered-universe) system, leading up to the eventual Copernican Revolution)

For a Phoenix, an End is a Beginning
(weekend challenge entry; "a new beginning" was the challenge theme; image inspired by the multi-cultural mythology of the mythical Phoenix/firebird, which also symbolizes a cycle of rebirth/resurrection)

No Sleep Mode (Turandeux)
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "space opera" was the challenge theme; image inspired by Puccini's opera Turandot, particularly aspects of the famous "Nessun Dorma" / "None Shall Sleep" and the three riddles of the story)

Nostalgiafix (All You Could Have Been - Or Still Achieve)
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "nostalgia" was the challenge theme; image inspired by the hope more people come to see they can still pursue their dreams, achieve new things, and aspire to self-actualization/self-realization/self-improvement/personal fulfillment)

Rethink Your Endgame
(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "the end" was the challenge theme; image inspired by the game of chess)

(weekend challenge entry; rendered in Cycles; "onomatopoeia" was the challenge theme)

Sketchbook Ride
(weekend challenge entry; "grease pencil" was the challenge theme; includes use of Blender's grease pencil for sketch effect, rendered in Cycles - OpenGL render;)

(weekend challenge entry; "passion" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles; pianist passionately playing perhaps Beethoven's Appassionata Sonata)

No Helmet for Curiosity (At the Portal's Threshold)
(weekend challenge entry; "helmet" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles)

Missed Call
(weekend challenge entry; "lack of inspiration" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles; project inspired by the idea of smartphone users, at a museum, who are so completely absorbed in their digital devices that they cannot really see, much less begin to appreciate, or become inspired by, what should be inspiring art calling out to them from the walls.)

Stealing Thunder
(weekend challenge entry; "crime" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles)

Sensing Secret Symmetries
(weekend challenge entry; "symmetry" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles)

Missing Neptune
(weekend challenge entry; "anthropomorphic" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles; project approached as a sort of faux animated short poster about a telescope who loses track of its friend Neptune, who really hasn't gone so far afterall but has discovered the fun of playing hide and seek)

The Bucket that Tried to Hold an Ocean
(weekend challenge entry; "underwater" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles)

Woke to Spoke
(weekend challenge entry; "awake" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles)

(weekend challenge entry; "too much power" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles)

Dawn of an Icebreaker
(weekend challenge entry; "winter dream" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles)

(weekend challenge entry; "bus stop" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles)

The Speed of Thoughts
(weekend challenge entry; "speed" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles)

The Rings Bearers
(weekend challenge entry; "ancient colossal statues" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles)

A Time to Read
(weekend challenge entry; "time travel device" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles)

Go Light
(weekend challenge entry; "city lights" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles)

Even the Largest Things in the Universe Consist of the Smallest
(weekend challenge entry; "The Biggest [fill in the blank] in the universe" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles)

Reflecting the Cosmos (Space Telescope)
(weekend challenge entry; "mirror" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles)

Steam, 1787
(weekend challenge entry; "80s Technology" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles; a "vintage" stylized (and a later quasi-Art Nouveau-ish treatment - mainly in the lettering) commemoration of the earlier era of steamboats building upon the even earlier invention of steam engines, all of which would help fulfill the greater Industrial Revolution)

Hypercube Modeling
(weekend challenge entry; "default cube" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles; imagining a future multidimensional version of Blender where there is a default hypercube which can be subdivided, extruded, and transformed)

Temet Nosce (Seconds to Sentience)
(weekend challenge entry; "robots" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles; "temet nosce" is Latin for "know thyself," and that statement is included in this image above the doorway in ASCII binary code; image inspired by ideas of AI - artificial intelligence - and hypothetical robots becoming self-aware)

Renaissance, Reason, Revolution, Reverie
(weekend challenge entry; "Europe" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles; In this image I wanted to celebrate, in a cumulative and somewhat vertical chronological manner, some creative aspects of European history, particularly the Renaissance experienced after the Middle Ages and classical antiquity, and the countless intellectual and artistic advancements and influences to follow, up through and beyond the Age of Enlightenment / Age of Reason and the Copernican Revolution, which eventually would displace the outdated Ptolemaic perception of the universe. The shell motif is intended to serve primarily as an homage to Sandro Botticelli, a key Early Renaissance artist. The topmost portion also endeavors to allude visually, in part, to the evermore inventive and liberating influences from post-Impressionist artists such as Van Gogh, Cubist Picasso, and, further, abstract Kandinsky.)

Wake from History's Recurring Nightmares
(weekend challenge entry; "nightmare" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles; image inspired by history itself and this most famous line from James Joyce's Ulysses, one spoken by Stephen Dedalus: "History is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake.")

Fractal Facets of Faith
(weekend challenge entry; "fractals" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles)

The Rethinker (Rodin Redux)
(weekend challenge entry; "voxels" was the challenge theme; rendered in Blender 2.79 (matcap + Blender internal render nodes; image inspired by Auguste Rodin's famous Le Penseur/The Thinker sculpture with Voxel stylization plus an important difference: this one sits, in several spots, around the "Gateways to the Heavens"; also a touch of Escher influence in there)

(weekend challenge entry; "natural crystals" was the challenge theme; something mimetic of Agate; rendered in Cycles; 2K render - please scroll left/right/up/down to see it all, if necessary; also worth noting: this is simply a plane with a complex Cycles procedural shader I created;
there's also a smaller 1K res render)

Water Wheel
(weekend challenge entry; "spinning things" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles)

(weekend challenge entry; "macro" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles)

Acoustical Vistas: Camp Fire Guitar Song
(weekend challenge entry; "guitar" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles)

(weekend challenge entry; "skulls" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles)

Time Machining
(weekend challenge entry; "time" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles)

Foundations for Your Sky Castles
(weekend challenge entry; "castles" was the challenge theme; image inspired by Henry David Thoreau's famous quote from
Walden: "If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.")

(weekend challenge entry; "UFO" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles)

(weekend challenge entry; "overnatural/supernatural" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles; image inspired by the legendary Unicorn creature)

(weekend challenge entry; "repurposed" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles)

Occulters of Light Cannot Steal, Only Briefly Conceal, the Truth
(weekend challenge entry; "thief" was the challenge theme; rendered in Cycles (128 samples + OpenGL MatCap pass)

(weekend challenge entry; "neon" was the challenge theme)

Communication Theory
(weekend challenge entry; "bottled" was the challenge theme; image inspired by the concept of a "message in a bottle")

Escaping Extinction
(weekend challenge entry; "displacement" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "city lights" was the challenge theme)

Cygnus Ascension
(weekend challenge entry; "futuristic aerial vehicle" was the challenge theme; ship design inspired by swans)

(weekend challenge entry; "space mining" was the challenge theme)

Blenderzca Lines
(weekend challenge entry; "mysterious landmarks" was the challenge theme; image inspired by the famous Nazca Lines and the Blender software logo)

When Chandeliers Are Least about Light
(weekend challenge entry; "chandelier" was the challenge theme)

Your Construct Is Not Standardized, And That Is Beautiful
(weekend challenge entry; "modular" was the challenge theme)

Ancient Symbols or Arcade?
(weekend challenge entry; "video game character if described by old people" was the challenge theme)

Paleolithic Passage
(weekend challenge entry; "chain reaction" was the challenge theme; image inspired by cave art + Plato's allegory of the cave)

Origami Dolphin
(weekend challenge entry; "stationery" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "lighthouse" was the challenge theme)

The Doubter, the Dreamer, and the Doer
(weekend challenge entry; "windowsill" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "adorable" was the challenge theme)

The Phantastical Fliers
(weekend challenge entry; metal/metallic art; "top gun" was the challenge theme)

The Moments of Our Hours
(weekend challenge entry; metal/metallic art; "made of metal" was the challenge theme)

The Magnitudes of Answers
(weekend challenge entry; "out of scale" was the challenge theme)

Universal Pet-Human Translator
(weekend challenge entry; "experiment of a mad scientist" was the challenge theme)

Dark Adaptation (Sight through Patience)
(weekend challenge entry; "low visibility" was the challenge theme)

Plight of the Genealogist
(weekend challenge entry; "surreal" was the challenge theme)

Perplexers Perplexed

(weekend challenge entry; "abstract" was the challenge theme)

Escher Bedroom Aesthetic
(weekend challenge entry; "bedroom furniture" was the challenge theme)

"Restore the Gravity!"
(weekend challenge entry; "no gravity" was the challenge theme)

Shopping for Air
(weekend challenge entry; "plastic thoughts" was the challenge theme)

Punked and Steamed
(weekend challenge entry; "Steampunk" was the challenge theme)

The Cubicle Crooner
(weekend challenge entry; "work disturbance" was the challenge theme)

The Danger of an Unread Book
(weekend challenge entry; "danger" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "winter" was the challenge theme)

More Electric Than Everything Electric
(weekend challenge entry; "more [insert word here] than everything [insert word here]" was the challenge theme) (see also
this alternate post-challenge image)

Gingerassic World
(weekend challenge entry; "gingerbread land" was the challenge theme; image is a gingerbread-inspired parody of a famous dinosaur movie)

The Infinitely Eventful Horizon
(weekend challenge entry; "event horizon" was the challenge theme; image inspired by the infinite possibilities expressed in fractals / fractal geometry)

Scuff, the Staticky Dragon
(weekend challenge entry; "fluffy" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "creepy" was the challenge theme; image inspired by a semi-abstract expression of multi-legged insects perhaps contemplating multi-dimensionalities and the space-time continuum, if they could)

(weekend challenge entry; "night time" was the challenge theme; image inspired by Chopin's

The "Nothings" Upholding Everything
(weekend challenge entry; "nil" (nothing) was the challenge theme; image inspired by the importance of the number Zero, particularly, as it is visualized here, as it is present in: the Fibonacci Sequence, binary numbers, Pascal's Triangle, the square root of 2, Phi (the Golden Ratio), e (Euler's number), Pi, the number of possible positions in a Rubik's Cube, and the earliest prime numbers.)

All Colors Correlative
(weekend challenge entry; "connected" was the challenge theme; image inspired by the continuous connectedness of all colors and the ultimate unity of visible light embodied within the larger electromagnetic spectrum.)

Where Nature Leads
(weekend challenge entry; "unreal" was the challenge theme; image inspired by Emily Bronte's untitled poem [
"Often rebuked, yet always back returning,"] which alludes to "the unreal world" the speaker in the poem does not go toward but instead follows "where my own nature would be leading.")

(weekend challenge entry; "mutation" was the challenge theme; image inspired by the
Blender logo and development of that software)

(weekend challenge entry; "foresight" was the challenge theme)

Fearless through the Shadow Valley
(weekend challenge entry; "surrounded by darkness" was the challenge theme; entry inspired by Psalm 23:4)

Waiting for 4:59:59? Time to Do What You Love.
(weekend challenge entry; "9 to 5" was the challenge theme; image inspired by Joseph Campbell's famous "follow your bliss" urgings plus a sentiment incorrectly attributed to Confucius: "Find a job you love, and you'll never have to work a day in your life.")

Fish Eyes
(weekend challenge entry; "fish" was the challenge theme)

The Golden Button
(weekend challenge entry; "button" was the challenge theme)

Sounds of the Tanpura
(weekend challenge entry; "drones" was the challenge theme; I opted for a "droning music"/musical instrument abstract approach to the theme)

Studying Mars
(weekend challenge entry; "closeup" was the challenge theme)

Diving into Jupiter
(weekend challenge entry; "pool" was the challenge theme)

Plight of the Perfectionist
(weekend challenge entry; "perfection" was the challenge theme)

Home Before World
(weekend challenge entry; "the house in front of the world" was the challenge theme)

Dinosaur Fossil (Speed Sculpt)
(weekend challenge entry; "prehistoric" was the challenge theme; technical notes: this final render consists of two Blender OpenGL renders [matcap + Ambient Occulsion; material/texture], which were then composited in GIMP).

(weekend challenge entry; "high seas" was the challenge theme)

Fear, the Stealer or Steeler or Senses
(weekend challenge entry; "phobias" was the challenge theme)

Monkey King
(weekend challenge entry; "Shenmo" (mythical beings from Chinese mythology) was the challenge theme; image is a stylized rendition inspired by tales of
Sun Wu-Kung, the Monkey King from "Journey to the West"/Chinese mythology)

(weekend challenge entry; "electricity" was the challenge theme)

Her Debussian Ring Tone
(weekend challenge entry; "the ring" was the challenge theme; image inspired by Debussy's music and stylized a la Alphonse Mucha)

Evolutions of the Mechanistic
(weekend challenge entry; "machines are alive" was the challenge theme)

Rock and Roll
(weekend challenge entry; "[one of] my country's contribution to the world" was the challenge theme)

The Trees Once There
(weekend challenge entry; "things gone but missed" was the challenge theme)

Intervals of Influence
(weekend challenge entry; "numerology" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "technologies which changed the world" was the challenge theme)

Maximal Motoring
(weekend challenge entry; "'Wacky Races' meets 'Mad Max'" was the challenge theme)

As the Ice Thins
(weekend challenge entry; "polar" was the challenge theme)

The Limits of Perception
(weekend challenge entry; "what they never tell you" was the challenge theme)

Virtual Particles in the Quantum Vacuum
(weekend challenge entry; "astonishing physics" was the challenge theme)

Where the Compass Does Not Point
(weekend challenge entry; "lost and found" was the challenge theme)

Stick Figure Craves Definition
(weekend challenge entry; "cartoon character down on its luck" was the challenge theme)

Euclid ("The Father of Geometry")
(weekend challenge entry; "basic geometry" was the challenge theme)

Web Designer
(weekend challenge entry; "life before the Internet" was the challenge theme)

Track 7


(weekend challenge entry; "little wonder" was the challenge theme)

Impressionistic Waterfall

"What Are You Saying?" "Are You Even Listening?"
(weekend challenge entry; "opposites attract" was the challenge theme)

Intimations of an Interdimensional Petal
(weekend challenge entry; "false color" was the challenge theme)

Neither Following the Flock Nor Listening to the Wind (Remaining True to Yourself)

The Changeful Calendar (No Day Like the Day Before)
(weekend challenge entry; "the day after" was the challenge theme)

Diamonds of Transcendent Wisdom
(weekend challenge entry; "shiny things" was the challenge theme; image inspired by one of the oldest books in the world, the
Diamond Sutra -
info at this link and
also this link)

Gigabytes Are Made of Bits
(weekend challenge entry; "small" was the challenge theme)

Bamboo, Panda
(weekend challenge entry; "juxtaposition" was the challenge theme)

The Lotuses of Loving

Captives of Their Captivations (The Screen-Starers)
(weekend challenge entry; "eye-catcher" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "amalgamation" was the challenge theme)

Exoplanet with Variegated Geology (A Diptych)
(weekend challenge entry; "exceptionally colorful" was the challenge theme)

Letting Machines Do All the Thinking
(weekend challenge entry; "bad idea" was the challenge theme) (see also this
post-challenge final render)

Copernican Revolutions
(weekend challenge entry; "great discoveries and great minds" was the challenge theme)

Intervals (Between Silence and the Notes)
(weekend challenge entry; "space" was the challenge theme)

Solve for X
(weekend challenge entry; "the unknown" was the challenge theme)

Weightlessly Waiting for Light
(weekend challenge entry; "lighweight" was the challenge theme)

Mechanica Mysterium
(weekend challenge entry; "abnormal contraptions" was the challenge theme)

Asymptotic Approximations
(weekend challenge entry; "almost" was the challenge theme)

Hamlet to Horatio: "There Are More Things in Heaven and Earth Than Are Dreamt of in Your Philosophy."
(weekend challenge entry; "abundance" was the challenge theme)

Monomythical: The Leaving, Initiation, and Return of a Hero
(weekend challenge entry; "hero" was the challenge theme)

Clocking Round the Rock
(weekend challenge entry; "1950s" was the challenge theme)

Humanizing the Machine
(weekend challenge entry; "What could go wrong?" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "too much" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "hot" was the challenge theme; simple cube + array and wireframe modifier; raw OpenGL render w/ matcap + viewport DOF; see also these alternate renders:

Exit from a Dream
(weekend challenge entry; "morning" was the challenge theme)

Scaling the Cube
(weekend challenge entry; "size" was the challenge theme; simple cube + array and wireframe modifier; raw OpenGL render w/ matcap + viewport DOF; see also these alternate renders:

(weekend challenge entry; "virtual reality" was the challenge theme)

Flowers Yet to Be Defined
(weekend challenge entry; "undiscovered plants" was the challenge theme)

Entering Flow
(weekend challenge entry; "liquid" was the challenge theme)

Golden Goose
(weekend challenge entry; "rare bird" was the challenge theme)

Gamma Ray Burst
(weekend challenge entry; "impossible to overlook" was the challenge theme)

Rain Stages
(weekend challenge entry; "rain" was the challenge theme)

Future Smoother
(weekend challenge entry; "future" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "dry" was the challenge theme)

The Temple of Suzanne
(weekend challenge entry; "Indiana Jones" was the challenge theme; and, for those unaware of Blender, Suzanne is the name of the monkey head included in the Blender 3D software)

Beyond the Speed of Light
(weekend challenge entry; "going beyond the laws of physics" was the interpreted challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "superpowers" was the challenge theme)

Future Cruise Ship
(weekend challenge entry; "ship" was the challenge theme)

A Puddle's Slush of City Lights
(weekend challenge entry; "all that glitters" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "clothes / clothing" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "break free" was the challenge theme)

Timeless After Times
(weekend challenge entry; "infinity inspired by Escher" was the challenge theme)

If You Could Only See Yourself

To Understand More about the Universe
(weekend challenge entry; "I would like" was the challenge theme)

The Wonders of Learning
(weekend challenge entry; "happy school memories" was the challenge theme)


Riddled with Questions
(weekend challenge entry; "riddle" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "forever young" was the challenge theme)

Rejuvenescence II
(continuation of weekend project; alternate render/style)



Sisyphean Cycles
(inspired by Greek myths of Sisyphus)

Beyond the World You Know
(weekend challenge entry; "out of this world" was the challenge theme)

Flame-Resistant Moth
(weekend challenge entry; "genetically modified organism (GMO)" was the challenge theme)

Let There Be Peace on Earth

Let There Be Light
(inspired by the Biblical book of
![Let There Be Light [Monochromatic Version]](previews3/LetThereBeLight-monochromatic-byrjt2015.jpg)
Let There Be Light
[Monochromatic Version]
(inspired by the Biblical book of

Mercury, Day 88 (Sans Fanfare)
(weekend challenge entry; "new years celebration" was the challenge theme)

Seasons x 4
(weekend challenge entry; "seasons" was the challenge theme)

Music of the Spheres
(weekend challenge entry; "harmony" was the challenge theme)

The Ephemeral Aesthetics of Snowflakes

The Annunciation
(weekend challenge entry; "apparition" was the challenge theme)

Blues Guitarist
(weekend challenge entry; "blue" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "mystery" was the challenge theme)

Lethe, River of Forgetfulness
(weekend challenge entry; "river" was the challenge theme; entry inspired by the famous river from Greek Mythology)

Cosmogony of Televisions
(weekend challenge entry; "remote" was the challenge theme)

Help Desk
(weekend challenge entry; "to give life to an inanimate object" was the challenge theme)

The Dream and the Reality of the Confectionary
(weekend challenge entry; "candy" was the challenge theme)

A Tale of the Raven and the Lights
(weekend challenge entry; "folklore" was the challenge theme; image inspired by Native American tales of the Raven's quest for light)

(weekend challenge entry; "afloat" was the challenge theme)

Turning the Compass
(weekend challenge entry; "round" was the challenge theme)


Many Worlds Theory
(weekend challenge entry; "parallel universe" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "rocket launch" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "force of nature" was the challenge theme)

Ship, Water, Bottle, Beach
(weekend challenge entry; "ship in a bottle" was the challenge theme)

Box Thinks Outside Itself

Drum Solo

Genetic Engineering, or A Scientist Plays God
(weekend challenge entry; "Classic RPG [Role Playing Game]" was the challenge theme)

Ocean of Truth
(weekend challenge entry; "ocean" was the challenge theme; my image was inspired by a quote attributed to Sir Isaac Newton: "I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.")

(weekend challenge entry; "Medieval" was the challenge theme; text comes from the Project Gutenberg etext of
Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur (Vol 2.) about King Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table, and their quests for Holy Grail - the "Sangreal")

Butterfly of Becomings

Remarkable Recommendations Graphic
(developed for a local book discussion series)

Remarkable Recommendations Graphic
(developed for a local book discussion series)

Machines Take Flight
(weekend challenge entry; "flying machines" was the challenge theme)

Losing Track of Time

(weekend challenge entry; "vertigo" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "smell" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "candlelight" was the challenge theme)

Beatrix and the Abundantly Wondrous Ball of Yarn
(weekend challenge entry; "toys" was the challenge theme)

A Closing Door Can Be a Blessing in Disguise
(weekend challenge entry; "incognito" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "something old, something new" was the challenge theme)



Finding Your Center

Mars Colony VII
(weekend challenge entry; "lights and shadows" was the challenge theme)

Moore's Law

(weekend challenge entry; "architecture" was the challenge theme)

Cancelling the Noise
(weekend challenge entry; "noise" was the challenge theme)

Music Box
(weekend challenge entry; "music" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "plastic" was the challenge theme)

Reflecting Another World
(weekend challenge entry; "reflection" was the challenge theme)

Let Freedom Ring
(weekend challenge entry; "your country in a nutshell" was the challenge theme; entry inspired by the Liberty Bell)

(weekend challenge entry; "shining" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "fragile" was the challenge theme; my first quick test of Blender's Freestyle render options)

(weekend challenge entry; "glow" was the challenge theme)

Fear Not Winning Through Peace
(weekend challenge entry; "dreadnought" was the challenge theme; this image draws upon the dual meaning of this word (literal/etymological: "fear not") and the more sci-fi/comic book/robotic nature of the word)

Guitar Through the Clean Channel
(weekend challenge entry; "default" was the challenge theme; image is inspired by a more natural / less modified / "default" sound of a guitar as compared with one being processed through sound effects / guitar pedals)

Simpler Days
(weekend challenge entry; "Childhood" was the challenge theme)

The Space Age
(weekend challenge entry; "Soviet technology" was the challenge theme; a stylistic interpretation of the Sputnik satellites)

Faith Moves Mountains
(weekend challenge entry; "strength" was the challenge theme; image inspired by the Biblical passage in
Matthew 17:1-20.)

Not an Island
(weekend challenge entry; "solitude" was the challenge theme; inspiration drawn from John Donne's "No Man is an Island" devotional text - with my interpretation focusing on the aspect of this concept that we are never truly alone or apart but rather connected and part of something greater)

(weekend challenge entry; "my next life" was the challenge theme)

Beyond Your Self

(weekend challenge entry; "game on" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "fire and ice" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "giant" was the challenge theme; "Jovian" as in "gas giant" planet)

Clearing Cobwebs from Your Place

Doors Being Key
(weekend challenge entry; "door" was the challenge theme)

Early Solar System
(weekend challenge entry; "commotion" was the challenge theme)

Blender of Potentials
(weekend challenge entry; "RobertT" was the challenge theme)

Deep Sea Lights
(weekend challenge entry; "low light situation" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "going green" was the challenge theme)

Row Your Boat
(weekend challenge entry; "nursery rhyme" was the challenge theme)

Time Past
(weekend challenge entry; "antique" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "flowers" was the challenge theme; inspired partly from a song on
my Florescence album)

When Gears Stop Turning
(weekend challenge entry; "rust" was the challenge theme)

Moth Dream: Beyond the Light
(weekend challenge entry; "insects" was the challenge theme)


Opening a Mind

(weekend challenge; "robots" was the challenge theme; partly abstract style)

(weekend challenge; "electricity" was the challenge theme)

(visual meditation on selfless/spiritual/unconditional love: mandala + agape)

(weekend challenge; "crash" was the challenge theme; interpretation of Jason and the Argonauts, the dove, and the Clasing/Cyanean Rocks/Symplegades)

(weekend challenge; "mythology" was the challenge theme)



Time Traveler's Watch
(weekend challenge; "time travel" was the challenge theme)


Putting All the Pieces Together

Your Slightest Gesture Felt throughout the Universe
(new rendition of this project from 2008)

The Speed of Light
(weekend challenge; "speed" was the challenge theme)

Light to Lights
(weekend challenge; "Looking at the Night Sky" was the challenge theme)



At the Intersection of Science and Religion

Stick in the Mud
(weekend challenge entry; "rendering cliches" was the challenge theme)

A Day in the Life of a Fan
(from my "Commony Objects Uncommonly" series)

Violin Minus Silence
(weekend challenge entry; "something's missing" was the challenge theme)

Triangles Wishing to be Right
(weekend challenge entry; "Wishes" was the challenge theme)

Astronomers of Argazzyra
(weekend challenge entry; "Night Watch" was the challenge theme; sci-fi scene)

(weekend challenge entry; "Music" was the challenge theme)

Nthward Not Upward
(weekend challenge entry; "Looking Up" was the challenge theme; entry partly inspired by the classic
Flatland and ideas of multiple dimensions)

Machines Dream Differently
(weekend challenge entry)

Trees of Trees
(weekend challenge entry)

The Protector
(weekend challenge entry)

Bubble Universes
(weekend challenge entry)

Building the New Metropolis
(weekend challenge entry)

Some Wait for Stairs; Others Grab a Ladder
(weekend challenge entry)

A Leaf's Tale
(weekend challenge entry)

(weekend challenge entry)

Lecture on Ancient Earth Space Exploration
(weekend challenge entry)

Building Blocks
(weekend challenge entry)

(weekend challenge entry)

Fight or Flight
(weekend challenge entry)

(weekend challenge entry)

Space Shrimp
(weekend challenge entry)

Ascension Dream
(weekend challenge entry)

Morse Code
(weekend challenge entry)

Paradiso / Inferno
(weekend challenge entry)

Treasures Imperceptible
(weekend challenge entry)

The Last Affirmation
(weekend challenge entry)

(weekend challenge entry)

Ancient Astronaut Artifact
(weekend challenge entry)

Waiting for May
(weekend challenge entry)

You May Presume to Understand
(from my "Reflections" series)

No More Hangups
(from my "Commony Objects Uncommonly" series)

Overcoming Fear of Loss
(weekend challenge entry)

Penelope at the Window
(inspired by
The Odyssey; image from my "Mythologies" series)

Center Cannot Hold
(weekend challenge entry; image inspired by stars and W.B. Yeats' "The Second Coming" poem)

Monet and Pollock Discuss Painting in the Afterlife


The Thousand Natural Shocks that Flesh Is Heir To
(abstract; title inspired by

How Do Mirrors See Themselves?
(weekend challenge entry)


Time Has No Meaning Here

The Fountain
(weekend challenge entry)

Feeding Seagulls


Roller Coaster
(weekend challenge entry)
Protoworld (weekend challenge entry) (

larger version

Easter Bunny

(weekend challenge entry)


(humorous piece)

Exoplanetary Expedition
(sci-fi scene)

The Oracle
(from my "Reflections" series)

Architectural Visualization
(or "Architect Dreaming")

Studying Shakespeare

Studying Shakespeare (Version 2)

You Can Have It
(weekend challenge entry; "token of affection" was the challenge theme)


Let Your Heart Overflow with Love
(Valentine's Day motif)

The Rise and Fall of a False Idol
(weekend challenge entry; "what goes up must come down" was the challenge theme)

Wu-Wei Master
(from my "Reflections" series)

(from my "Common Objects Uncommonly" series)


A Flood Story
(weekend challenge entry)

Alien Fashion Magazine
(faux extraterrestrial style magazine cover complete with a geometry-inspired language)

Butterfly Effect


What Do You Hope to See?

What Do You Hope to See?
(alternate color version)


Three Wise Men
(a visual interpretation of the Magi following the Star of Bethlehem)

(from my "Mythologies" series)

Leaps and Boundaries

Washing the Dirt Away

How Many Pages, So Little Knowledge

Old Space Toys
(weekend challenge entry; "retro rocket" was the challenge theme)

(from my "Reflections" series)

The Appetent Apertures
(weekend challenge entry; "camera" was the challenge theme)

Exobotanical Outpost
(weekend challenge entry; "mushrooms and flowers" was the challenge theme)

The Rakes Possess
(title echoic of "The Rake's Progress" but less prodigal and more prehesile in gist)

Beauty's Illusion Begins to Give
(weekend challenge entry; "illusion" was the challenge theme)

The Pointless Search for the Point
(dual-purpose title; part of my "Common Objects Uncommonly" series)

The Mind Searches through Possibilities
(from "The Mind Searches" series)

Ref the Reference Rabbit
(library character)

Lost Languages

Light Flows into Eyes

Classic Motoring
(stylized vintage auto detail)

When the Rug Is the Most Interesting Thing in the Room
(from my "Installments" series)

The House You Always Meant to Build
(from my "Installments" series)

How Strong Is Your Illusion

Caution Over Cautious
(from my "Installments" series)

(from my "Installments" series)

(from my "Installments" series)

How Full Is Your Cup
(from my "Installments" series)

How Many Blinks in a Lifetime
(from my "Installments" series)

The Mind Searches for Balance

The Mind Searches for Closures

The Mind Searches for Meanings

The Mind Searches for Order

The Mind Searches for Patterns

The Mind Searches for Peace

The Mind Searches for Similarities

The New Watershed
(from my "Installments" series)

Plight of the Solipsist
(weekend challenge; "identity" was the challenge theme)


(final edition)

(weekend challenge; "landscape" was the challenge theme)

Frames of Reference

Mountain of Many Paths

Tiresias Sees Athena
(weekend challenge entry; "oops" was the challenge theme)

What Goes into a Thought

("Wrong Way"; an exercise in "Precisionism" in the spirt of Demuth's
The Figure 5 in Gold)

Tweezer's Dream of the Great Gray Hair
(from my "Common Objects Uncommonly" series)

Stages of a Life

The Chess Players

Run in to Your Tea
(weekend challenge; "black and white" was the challenge theme; title inspired by the closing passage of


(weekend challenge entry; "special place" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "bubbles" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "techno impressionism" was the challenge theme)

Interplanetary Transport
(weekend challenge entry; "future transport" was the challenge theme)

Alien from the Deep
(weekend challenge entry; "alien creature" was the challenge theme)

Only God Is Perfection

(character sketch)


Initiating Self-Awareness
(weekend challenge entry; "robotics" was the challenge theme)

Natural Selection
(weekend challenge entry; "natural" was the challenge theme)

(a continuation of my "Reflections" series)

(exploring portrayals and perceptions of selves; my entry for Blender Artists Weekend Challenge # 373, "self-portraits" was the challenge theme)


Far East Motif
(a stylized Chinese dragon; weekend challenge entry; "The Orient" was the challenge theme)

The Problem with Literal Interpretations
(from my "Common Objects Uncommonly" series.)

First Sip (Your Greatest Moment as a Straw)
(from my "Common Objects Uncommonly" series.)

Not Listening
(A Biblical meditation - Matthew 13:13 - in a modern context. From my "Common Objects Uncommonly" series.)

Type II Civilization: Stellar Engineering
(weekend challenge entry; "engineering" was the challenge theme)

Circles: Infinity, Perfection, History...
(from my "Symbologies" series)

Even as Water Bottles Think Nothing of Reincarnation
(from my "Common Objects Uncommonly" series)

One of the Many Advantages of Being Different
(from my "Common Objects Uncommonly" series)

Notice How Streetlamps Do Not Celebrate New Years
(from my "Common Objects Uncommonly" series)

The Moon Is No Balloon
(weekend challenge entry; "Cartoons" was the challenge theme)

A Day in the Mind of a Roll of Tape
(from my "Common Objects Uncommonly" series)

(from my "Nature" series)

No Christmas without Christ
(a meditation on Who Christmas is really about)

Growing as a Person
(from my "Surreal" series)

What Leaves When Autumn Leaves
(from my "Seasons" series)

The Snowman Who Longed to Touch the Sun

(from my "Seasons" series)

(post-processed alternate version)

(weekend challenge entry; "Arcane" was the challenge theme)

Branching Out
(2009 edition; an updated model and render of my project from 2007 and the first image in my "Re-rendered" series)

Narcissus and Echo
(from my "Mythologies" series)

After the Phoenix Falls, It Must
(from my "Mythologies" series)

Before the Phoenix Rises, It Must
(from my "Mythologies" series)

(from my "Mythologies" series; a stylistic rendering of one of the most famous motifs from world mythology)

Steampunk Captain

(technical note: no raytracing)

The Last Prank
(toon-shaded; weekend challenge entry; "Sharks!" was the challenge theme)

Exoplanetary System

Sight Seeing

But I Don't Want to Be a Storm Cloud
(from my "Nature" series)

Feeling Beautiful
(from my "Reflections" series)

Water Bears
(weekend challenge; "microscopic" was the challenge theme)


(from my "Mythologies" series)

Time, Through a Flower's Eye
(from my "Nature" series)

Enter Key
(weekend challenge; "key" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge; "delicious" was the challenge theme)

The Number of My Steps
(a stylized character I created for an animation; this still image alludes to Job 31:37)

Buy One, Get One
(from my "Common Objects Uncommonly" series)

Port 80
(weekend challenge; "cyberspace" was the challenge theme)

Literary Critic

Survival Strategy
(weekend challenge; "strategy" was the challenge theme)

Paso Doble Dance
(weekend challenge; "black and red" was the challenge theme)

Metaverse Junction
(weekend challenge; "portal" was the challenge theme)

(contines my "Inseparable" series)

Sea Shell
(weekend challenge; "sea shell" was the challenge theme)


A Florist's Folly

The Seafarer's Story
(from my "Reflections" series)

Call Eye Do Scope


(weekend challenge; "stringed instruments" was the challenge theme")

One Billion Theories
(technical note: saved at 60% jpeg quality for web viewing)


(science fiction scene)

(weekend challenge; "audio" was the challenge theme)


Converters of Worlds
(weekend challenge; "science fiction" was the challenge theme)

Looking Up
(a meditation on hope, faith, and continuation of my "Reflections" series)

(from my "Nature" series)

Street Cleaner
(futuristic setting)

Start of a Silver Age
(continuation of my "Reflections" series)

Primavera's Egg
(weekend challenge entry; "fancy egg" was the challenge theme)


(continuation of the "Astrobiology" render series)



Grand Unification Theory

The Chieftain's Tale
(weekend challenge; "western" was the challenge theme)


A Modern Grail Quest

The Candle's wish: to be a Chandelier, which yearned to glow brighter yet, like the Sun
(from my "Illuminations" and "Common Objects Uncommonly" series)

As the Others Fly Away

Sunny Day No Matter What Your Weather

(imagery partly inspired by Dante's
Divine Comedy)

The Modern Labyrinth

(inspired by the Old English poem,
'Dream of the Rood' - specifically the Christian aspects of the poem)

Europa Probe: Last Encounter

Europa Probe: First Encounter

Europan Whale-Fish (Angle 1)

Europan Whale-Fish (Angle 2)

The Fractal Dimension of Love
(weekend challenge entry; "Everlasting Love" was the challenge theme)

Should Have Went with Solar
(weekend challenge entry; "Power Generation" was the challenge theme)

So Many Stars

Universe of Endless Wonders
(weekend challenge; "Astronomy" was the challenge theme; non-competing entry; note: scroll right/left/up/down to explore entire image)


(from my "Seasons" series)

(from my "Reflections" series)

Life Cycles
(from my "Nature" series)

Paradise Cost
(inspired by the Genesis story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden)

The Stars Have Their Stories
(partly inspired by the Chinese / Japanese folklore of the "Festival of Stars")

Gordian Knotted
(weekend challenge; "impossible" was the challenge theme)

Your Computer Is Not Future Proof
(from my "Algorithmic" series)

Peer Review
(from my "Reflections" series)

(from my "Illuminations" and "Common Objects Uncommonly" series)

We Must Be Going

From All You Thought You Knew to What You Never Dreamt

Blender, Steampunk Edition
(weekend challenge; "steampunk" was the challenge theme)

Hyperdimensional Transfer
(technical note: Blender internal render network; no external post-processing)

Dramatis Personae
("the masks of the drama"; from my "Theatrical" series)

Those in the Very Bright Room Tend to Scorn or Mock Any Notion of a Lamp
(from my "Illuminations" and "Common Objects Uncommonly" series)

Coltrane Study
(continuing my "Music" series)

In the Comfort of Your Little World

Nature or Nurture
(from my "Nature" series)

(from my "Nature" series)

Way of the Chicken Fists
(weekend challenge; "Kung Fu Chicken" was the challenge theme)



Hurricane Season
(from my "Nature" series)

Thoughts of the Futures

(part of my "Algorithmic" series)

Like GHz for Overclockers
(weekend challenge; "live for speed" was the challenge theme)

Prodigal Mind

When an Uninitiated First Hears a Stravinsky or a Schoenberg or Anything New and Different
(from my "Music" series)

(weekend challenge; "Martian Zoo" was the challenge theme)

"I wish I, too, was beautiful," thought the flower foolishly.
(weekend challenge; "crazy flowers" was the challenge theme)

Spilled Soft Drink

The Rush to Build a Planet Everything

Life in the Hive

(part of my "Reflections" series)

Randomly Accessed Memories
(part of my "Algorithmic" series)

Worlds Within Worlds Without
(technical note: all 3D/done in Blender)

Sorting Algorithm
(part of my "Algorithmic" series)


Urban Superstrata

Swan Not Swanlike
(from my "Nature" series)

The Wind Chimes
(from my "Nature" series)

The Tempest
(weekend challenge entry; "tornado" was the challenge theme)

(weekend challenge entry; "just like clockwork" was the challenge theme)

Lights, Riff, Audience, Solo
(weekend challenge entry; "anticipation" was the challenge theme)

(part of the "Reflections" series)

The Midas-Touched
(exploring the myth of King Midas and the golden touch; part of the "Reflections" series)

From What into What? (A Question Change Asks)

Making a Splash

"Ten Cubes Challenge": My Entries
A collection of 50 images I submitted for an interesting and informal challenge at Blender Artists.

Chess Computer: Check
(part of my "Algorithmic" series)

Trying to Make the Connections
(weekend challenge, "perseverance" was the challenge theme; 2008; internal render, no render nodes)

F1 2008: "Visualizing the Win"
(2008; entry for yearly Blender F1 challenge; nontraditional/NPR stylistic 3D render created entirely in Blender, no external post-processing)

Euclid's Elements
(2008; experimental wireframe art inspired by Euclidean Geometry)

(2008; experimental wireframe art inspired by Euclidean Geometry)

(2008; experimental space-station inspired structure)

The Repercussionist
(2008) (in continuation of my "Reflections" series; image revised/finalized 5/1/08)

Clay, Wheel, Thought, Hands: Vase

Impressionistic Brush in a Cubist Universe
(2008) (project continued/finalized after weekend challenge, "imagination" was the challenge theme)

"That's not your ball!"
(2008) (weekend challenge; "mission to deep space" was the challenge theme)

Every Precious Drop
(2008) (weekend challenge; "milk and honey" was the challenge theme)

(2008) (weekend challenge; "woodwork" was the challenge theme)

(2008) (weekend challenge; "glassworks" was the challenge theme)

A Time to Dance

The Eternity Option
(2008) (weekend challenge entry; "eternity" was the challenge theme)

(2008) (weekend challenge entry; "light" was the challenge theme)

Merlin Speaks of Destiny
(2008) (weekend challenge entry; "legendary" was the challenge theme)

(2008) (my second project using Blender's new hair particles system)

(2007) (my first project using Blender's new hair system; Blender internal render)

(2008) (weekend challenge; "impressive" was the challenge theme)

(2007; from my "Nature" series)

Nativity Figures


Ballet of the Overreachers

And for your final wish?
(2007) (stylized and toon shaded; Blender internal render)

The Frantic, Fleeting Life of a Snowflake
(2007) (weekend challenge; "icy waste" was the challenge theme)



Unity's Prayer
(2007) (part of my "Reflections" series)


(2007) (weekend challenge, "out of order" was the challenge theme; title is the question asked by the number four to the number three)

Medieval Chalice

Myth of a Golden Age
(2007) (From my "Mythologies" series. Myth, as I use the term, is intended to mean a story.)

Do You See What You See?
(2007) (weekend challenge entry, "sight" was the challenge theme)

(2007) (another image from my "Winter" series)

Winter's Givings

Bargain Hunter and Hunted
(2007) (weekend challenge entry, "the hunted" was the challenge theme)

Cosmic Questions

(2007) (weekend challenge entry, "activation" was the challenge theme)

Sprig Leaves to Find His Family Tree
(2007) (weekend challenge entry, "ancestry" was the challenge theme)

Jazz, Man
(2007) (expressionistic jazz trumpeter in 3D; from my "Music" series)

(2007) (weekend challenge entry, "scarecrow" was the challenge theme)

Lost Found in You'd
(2007) (weekend challenge, "sweet dreams" was the challenge theme)


October's Offerings

Still Standing
(2007) (part of my "Reflections" series)

Taking a Leap of Faith

A Couple of Codependencies
(2007; from my "Common Objects Uncommonly" series)

Do Office Chairs Dream of Open Spaces?
(2007; from my "Common Objects Uncommonly" series)


Autumn's Bane
(2007) (weekend challenge, "autumn comes" was the challenge theme; character's story is related to Blossom)

More Than Pixels
(2007) (part of my "Reflections" series)

Search for Answers
(2007) (weekend challenge, "when things go bad" was the challenge theme)

(2007) (part of my "Music" series)

(2007) (part of my "Reflections" series)

Discovering Earth
(2007) (weekend challenge, "alien life" was the challenge theme)

Cute Creatures

Day Core
(2007) (weekend challenge, "out of the box" was the challenge theme)

The Enigmatist
(2007) (part of my "Reflections" series)

Golgotha Probe: Confirmation
(2007) (Blender World Cup 2007 entry; "distant future + nature + discovery + religion" was the challenge theme)

The Giant Who Longed to Be Small Again
(2007) (weekend challenge entry; "out of reach" was the challenge theme)

Delilah, Decieved
(2007) (part of my "Reflections" series)

(2007) (part of my "Reflections" series)

Partial Eclipse
(2007) (part of my "Reflections" series)

Laurel's Wraith (The Praise-Seeker Will Not Have Silence)
(2007) (part of my "Reflections" series)

Lamentatio (Outcry for Generations)
(2007) (part of my "Reflections" series)

(2007) (part of my "Reflections" series)

Francesca Faced Her Fractals
(2007) (pure Blender NPR [non-photorealistic] render style project)

Unlearning to Learn
(2007) (part of my "Reflections" series)

Dyscontent (When All You Want Is More and Less)
(2007) (part of my "Reflections" series)

Philosophia and Her Problems
(2007) (part of my "Reflections" series)

Renaissance Raytracer
(2007) (simulating completely in 3D, with no post-processing, the 2D illustrative style of Da Vinci's notebooks/reverse handwriting; weekend challenge entry - "prototype" was the challenge theme)

(2007) (part of my "Reflections" series)

(2007) (part of my "Reflections" series)

Indoctrination (alternate monochromatic rendition)
(2007) (part of my "Reflections" series)

(2007) (weekend challenge; "Out of Control" was the challenge theme)

The Atlas Assumption
(2007) (taking the world on one's shoulders; part of my "Reflections" series)

Impressionist Brushwater

Enrico's Paradox

Dao De Dawn
(weekend challenge, "Yin Yang" was the challenge theme)

(2007) (part of my "Reflections" series)

(2007) (2007 Blender F1 Challenge entry)

Earth 3007
(2007) (weekend challenge, "nightmares" was the challenge theme)

World Hungers
(2007) (part of the "Hunger" series)

Iceberg of Understanding

Barrier Language

Outside the Cave of Unknowing
(2007) (inspired by the allegory of Plato's cave)

Is your imagination broken too?

Bottom's Dream
(2007) (Inspired by "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare)

Picture Frame

Mount Reckon
(2007; part of my "Nature" and "Reflections" series)

(2007; part of my "Nature" series)

Like a Fish Out of Water Out of a Fish

Future's Lookin' Mighty Fine
(2007) (weekend challenge entry, "out of place" was the challenge theme)

Branching Out
(2007) (robotic bird; combination of organic-technical elements with sculpted details on tree)

Mechamends: Skyrevival Unit
(2007) (part of an environmentally-minded mecha series I'm developing)

Eternal Peace
(2007) (displacement of volumetric lighting test)

(2007) (weekend challenge entry)

(2007) (speed model with experimental render effects)


Eyes to the Skies
(2007) (Easter Island head sculpture)

Occam's Razzle
(2007) (a playful twist on the concept of "Occam's Razor"; also a weekend challenge entry)

Andromedan Ambassador
(2007) (sculpted alien character; featured in the Blender 2.43 release notes; several small adjustments made in GIMP)

Portrait of a Young Lady
(2007) (a 3D rendition inspired by the painting "A Young Lady" by Petrus Christus)

The Pessimist and the Optimist

Rock Garden
(2007) (displacement modifier test)

The Wave-Particle Duality of Light
(2007) (weekend challenge entry)

The Thirteen Tenors
(2007) (weekend challenge entry)

You Are Was and Will Be
(2007) (surrealism)

Mythical Protector
(2007) (3d sculpture of a "Foo dog" or a "Chinese lion")

Mythical Protector
(2007) (alternate view)

Bella Donna
(2007) (3d sculpture)

Gold Rush
(2007) (abstract)

(2007) (in the style of a garden ornament; final 3d sculpture + workflow stages)

(2007) (3d sculpture)

Philosopher in Stone: Perpetually Mulling the Eternal
(2007) (3d sculpture)

The Entrance or the Exit

Old Man Winter Statue
(2006) (3D sculpture using new Blender sculpt mode)

Going Digital Because It's Just So Fashionable

Gather Ye Roses
(2006) (inspired by Robert Herrick's famous poem)

Gossamer Days

Danse Macabre

Viewers Are the Exhibition

Inseparable 2
(2006; continuation of my "Inseparable" series)

Why Penguins Don't Play Poker
(2006) (a weekend challenge entry;
strange challenge theme: "Penguins Don't Poker" [sic])

(2006) (a weekend challenge entry)

Guitar Solo


The Emperor's New Vision

Venus di niente

Nuts without Bolts
(2006) (a weekend challenge entry)


(2006) - A variation on the "Autumnullified" image above

Prayer for the Prayerless
(2006) - Partly inspired by a recent 2D sketch I did for a CGTalk Daily Sketch Group session

30 Models in 30 Days
(2006) - A collection of images on one page of speed models/scenes I created for a
CGTalk modeling challenge.)

Sir John Falstaff
(post-challenge processed version)

Wooden Puppet
(2006) - One of a series of models and renders for the CGTalk Modeling Challenge: 30 Models in 30 Days

Descent of Pottery

(2006) - Inspired partly by the myth of Tantalus

The Takers
(inspired by a poem I had written under the same title) (2006)

(2006) - A cautionary visual allusion to the legend of Doctor Faustus and the quest for worldly knowledge and power. See also the
alternate angle render)

(2006) (Blender 2.42 + Blender Sculpt Beta)


Enchanted Youth in the Garden of Infinite Possibilities
(2006) (daytime version)

Enchanted Youth in the Garden of Infinite Possibilities
(2006) (Blender + post-processing in Photoshop + Corel Painter)

Characters for BEAUTIFUL MUSIC
(2006) (early character work for an animated 3D short I am currently creating)

Victory at Felistopia
(2006) (Blender Artists Super Challenge 200, "look what the cat dragged in" was the challenge theme)

Shell Dweller

The Burning of the Golden Calf by Moses
(2006) (weekend challenge, "pagan gods" was the challenge theme)

Self Made Man

Self Made Man
(2006) (close-up/wallpaper version)

(2006) (weekend challenge, "polluted future" was the challenge theme)

F1 2006 Challenge Entry: The Great Sea Race Begins

Dust to Dust

Heavy Metal Alien
(2006) (weekend challenge, "heavy metal" was the challenge theme)



Old Becomes New Again
(2006) (weekend challenge, "old" was the challenge theme)

(2006) (Version 3)

(2006) (Version 2)

(2006) (weekend challenge, "mechanimal" was the challenge theme)

(2006) (post-challenge revisions)

(2006) (weekend challenge, "fourth dimension" was the challenge theme)

(2006) (inspired by spiral ammonite fossil pattern)

(2006) (weekend challenge, "at the zoo" was the challenge theme)

Concept Race Car
(2006) (Blender + GIMP)

(2006) (a virtual "paper sculpture" made in Blender)

Venus Sets Her Trap
(2006) (weekend challenge: "trap" was the challenge theme)

Jimmy and the Cave
(2006) (2D vector toon work done in Blender 3D, no post-processing; for a weekend challenge: "into the unknown" was the challenge theme)

Grace's Dream

Search Party
(2006) (sci-fi/game art scene)

This they begin to do
(2006) (Blender, post-processing in Photoshop)
More images yet (including wireframes and other details) are often posted at